문제는 그곳들이 좋다는 건 알겠는데, 길이나 볼 것들에 대해 단편적인 정보들은 손쉽게 찾을 수 있어도 한 눈에 전체에 대한 정보를 볼 수 있는 곳은 없다는 거...
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007 시리즈의 배경음악을 메들리 형식으로 엮었는데, 그 대상은 <The Name's Bond... James Bond>, [선더볼트](1995), [다이 어나더 데이], [위기일발], [닥터 노] 등을...
한경닷컴: 선더볼트, 닥터 노
노컷뉴스: 선더볼트, 닥터 노
머니투데이: 선더볼트(1995)
참살이푸드뱅크: 선더볼트(1995)
블로그와이드닷컴: 선더볼트, 닥터 노
[Thunderball(썬더볼)] (1965)
낮에는 놀러다니고 밤에는 코딩하는 주놀야코를 통해 이룬 성과임. ㅠ.ㅠ
이렇게 & @ '
엔터튤립9 글꼴을 이용해서 만들어 파일 크기가 157KB밖에 안 됨
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void DelCharBacks(int iCount);
int GetCompositioningStrLen(DWORD index);
long lCompositioningLenOld, lCompositioningLen;
sptr_t ScintillaWin::HandleComposition(uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) {
#ifdef __DMC__
// Digital Mars compiler does not include Imm library
return 0;
if (!inOverstrike) pdoc->cb.uh.EnableUndoAction(false);
if (lParam & GCS_COMPSTR)
if (inComposition) DelCharBacks(lCompositioningLenOld);
if (inOverstrike) bCompositioning = true;
inComposition = !(AddImeCompositionString(GCS_COMPSTR) == 0);
else if (lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR)
if (inComposition) DelCharBacks(lCompositioningLenOld);
if (inOverstrike) bCompositioning = false;
else pdoc->cb.uh.EnableUndoAction(true);
inComposition = FALSE;
lCompositioningLenOld = 0;
return 0;
void ScintillaWin::ImeStartComposition() {
#ifndef __DMC__
// Digital Mars compiler does not include Imm library
if (caret.active) {
// Move IME Window to current caret position
HIMC hIMC = ::ImmGetContext(MainHWND());
void ScintillaWin::ImeStartComposition() {
#ifndef __DMC__
// Digital Mars compiler does not include Imm library
lCompositioningLenOld = 0;
if (caret.active) {
// Move IME Window to current caret position
HIMC hIMC = ::ImmGetContext(MainHWND());
LONG ScintillaWin::AddImeCompositionString(DWORD index)
const int maxImeBuf = 200;
wchar_t wcs[maxImeBuf];
LONG bytes = GetCompositionString(index, wcs, (maxImeBuf-1)*2);
lCompositioningLenOld = bytes/2;
if(bytes == 0)
return bytes;
if (IsUnicodeMode()) {
char utfval[maxImeBuf * 3];
unsigned int len = UTF8Length(wcs, lCompositioningLenOld);
UTF8FromUTF16(wcs, lCompositioningLenOld, utfval, len);
utfval[len] = '\0';
AddCharUTF(utfval, len);
} else {
char dbcsval[maxImeBuf * 2];
int size = ::WideCharToMultiByte(InputCodePage()
, 0
, wcs
, lCompositioningLenOld
, dbcsval
, sizeof(dbcsval) - 1
, 0
, 0);
AddCharUTF(dbcsval, size);
return bytes;
Point end = LocationFromPosition(currentPos);
Point start = LocationFromPosition(currentPos-2);
cs.x = end.x - start.x;
cs.y = vs.lineHeight;
Point end = LocationFromPosition(currentPos);
Point start = LocationFromPosition(currentPos - lCompositioningLen);
cs.x = end.x - start.x;
cs.y = vs.lineHeight;
int ScintillaWin::GetCompositioningStrLen(DWORD index)
HIMC hIMC = ::ImmGetContext(MainHWND());
if (hIMC) {
const int maxLenInputIME = 200;
wchar_t wcs[maxLenInputIME];
LONG bytes = ::ImmGetCompositionStringW(hIMC,
index, wcs, (maxLenInputIME-1)*2);
int wides = bytes / 2;
return wides;
return 0;
void ScintillaWin::DelCharBacks(int iCount)
while (iCount--) DelCharBack(false);
XPMode + 일본어 Win XP에서 입력중인 모습
Windows 3.2!!!